ISPO NFT bonus program

No project is viable without the support of its community. At Genius X we understand this very well. That's why we have decided to reward our most fervent supporters with bonus NFTs.

Below are the requirements to be eligible for a Bonus Genius X ISPO NFT.

NFT CategoryCriteriaRewards and utilities

🌕 Titan

Stake at least 21 Epochs (minimum 500 ADA)

+10% weighting booster on the accelerator reward redistribution pools


Stake at least 14 Epochs (minimum 500 ADA)

+6% weighting booster on the accelerator reward redistribution pools


Stake at least 7 epochs (minimum 500 ADA)

+3% weighting booster on the accelerator reward reditribution pools

Delegators eligible for Bonus NFT rewards will have access to only one NFT: the best one they are eligible for.

There is no time limit in the utility of the Genius X ISPO NFTs

Based on community feedback, NFT utility can now be transferred from one wallet to another.

NFT metadata are indicating that NFT utility can not be transferred. This is no longer true.

Last updated