Genius X Flex and Locked staking on Cardano

To unlock all the benefits of the Genius X staking program, $GENSX holders will have to use the Genius Yield staking dApp. There will be 2 types of vault:

Genius X Flex staking vaults

In a flex staking vault, users are able to create a vault and stake $GENSX tokens plus Genius X ISPO NFTs and/ or a Galaxy NFT. They can close this staking vault to withdraw $GENSX tokens, NFT and rewards whenever they want. There is also the ability to only claim the rewards without unstaking the $GENSX tokens and Genius X ISPO NFT. These are not yet live and will be added after the Genius Yield DEX is live. No booster is applied to a flex staking vault besides the one provided by a Genius X ISPO NFT and/or a Galaxy NFT.

Genius X locked staking vaults

By choosing a locked staking vault, $GENSX holders will be able to unlock a weighting factor booster on the redistribution from the accelerator pools. Stakers also get 20% of the transaction fees - 6 months staking: offering a 3% weighting booster

- 9 months staking: offering a 6% weighting booster

- 12 months staking: offering a 10% weighting booster.

Genius X Upgrade Staking

For both Cardano and Arbitrum, users will have the option to enter a locked staking vault for either 6, 9, or 12 months.

- 6-month staking vaults earn 5% APY, rewarded in $GENSX.

- 9-month staking vaults earn 7% APY, rewarded in $GENSX.

- 12-month staking vaults earn 11% APY, rewarded in $GENSX.

Please keep in mind that once you create a staking vault, they cannot be changed. You cannot add more GENSX in the future to that vault, but you can create a new vault.

Staking on Cardano and ISPO NFTs

Originally, ISPO NFTs gave bonuses in tokens awarded from the accelerator program. Now, they also will give a bonus APY to those who stake with a Genius X ISPO NFT!

Genius X ISPO and Galaxy NFTs give the following bonuses:

- Vesta +3% APY

- Comet +6% APY

- Titan +10% APY

- Galaxy at +10% APY

These are on top of the base amounts:

- 6 months, 5% APY

- 9 months, 7% APY

- 12 months, 11% APY

For example, if a user creates a 12-month vault using a Galaxy and Titan NFTs, they would have +31% APY!

Locked staking options will be available for at least 2 months. After the Genius Yield DEX is launched, we will consider flex staking options. Details will be announced in the future.

On a locked staking vault $GENSX tokens / NFTs can not be withdrawn before the end of the staking contract.

Rewards can be harvested at any time! While your initial GENSX and the additional optional NFT(s) will be locked for your selected staking vault, your rewards will accumulate on a daily basis. You will have the ability to withdraw your rewards as frequently as you desire.

Last updated